SpringBoot RestCrud App

Visit http://start.spring.io and initialize project with below dependencies:

Spring Web

Spring Data Jpa: manage sql queries

Mysql Driver: connect to db

Projectlombok : auto configuring getter setter and constructor in Entity

Devtools: auto restart the application on changes

Thymeleaf: engine for creating frontend (avoid if frontend is not required and app can be tested by postman)

Create below packages:

  1. Model
  2. Repository
  3. Service
  4. Controller










Create an Entity “Book” with 3 fields bookId, bookName and bookAuthor

Also generate getter and setter along with toString.

Now create a Repository Package and inside create an interface which extends JpaRepository<ModelName, ModelIdType(primary key data type)>

Create Service package which will contain the autowired repository and methods with some business logic

Create a Controller package with BookController class.

Controller will have field “BookRepository” autowired

Project Structure

Postman Test

project git repo: https://github.com/AdarshKvT/restcrud.git

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